training | student status & courses
The six-course (plus 200 hours supervised field training) college level program offers the student an opportunity for practical knowledge of how to administer chaplaincy in different settings. The course work is intended to be completed in one year and is required to be completed in three years.
Classes are presented in the module format which means face-to-face contact hours are completed over one weekend. Students are expected to finish the required textbook reading and assignments by specific due dates. All contact hours, assignments, and final exams must be successfully completed to pass the class.
Courses are delivered online via Zoom and the course work in accomplished using Canvas. The time frame becomes more important than the location. Each course consists of lectures, and group interaction.
Once accepted into the program candidates may finish the training according to their finances and schedules. We have worked hard to keep the cost of the program affordable.
Credit Status
There are two methods to gain credit student status. A person must have at least two years of Bible/Theology education. A four-year degree from a recognized college is preferred.
The second method to gain credit status for the who do not have a formal college degree is as follows:
- Bible knowledge verification. This means a pastor (former or current) or mentor can verify the candidates equivalency of a two-year Bible education.
- This will need to be a ministerial person whose teaching you have sat under for a minimum of five years. They will also need to vouch for your character.
- They are to write a letter to us, verifying who they are (their qualifications, i.e. what qualifies them to be the verification person ), how long you sat under their teaching, and the specifics they have observed of you demonstrated Bible knowledge. Example, they have evaluated you teaching, preaching, leading a Bible study or home group.
- Once we receive all requested documents, you will complete a Bible entrance exam. We are looking to see that you know the basic doctrines of the Christian faith.
All the courses at CCI can be audited, which means you take the course not for credit. The class is more for personal growth and knowledge. Also, you are not required to complete the assignments.